It came to my mind to make a rubber ducky using arduino uno which i already have .. so let’s get started.

  • Rubber Ducky is used to perform HID attacks » search it out.

Arduino Uno has a chip “Atmegau16u2” or “8u2”, But mine is Arduino Uno R3 with Atmega16u2 chip.

  • The ATmega16U2 chip on your Arduino board acts as a bridge between the computer’s USB port and the main processor’s serial port.


1. We need to install dfu-programmer:

sudo apt-get install dfu-programmer

2. Download hid keyboard library from here:

  • Download zip file and extract the file.
  • Open the directory and copy (hidkeyboard.ccp and hidkeyboard.h)
  • then go to the directory where you downloaded the Arduino IDE (where the library files are)
  • Open ‘path’/hardware/arduino/avr/arduino/
  • And paste them there.

3. Download the firmware to be flashed to the Arduino:

  • Download zip file and extract it

  • Open directory you will find (Arduino-usbserial-uno.hex and Arduino-keyboard-0.3.hex and flash)

  • note: “flash” is the script to run these files with the dfu-programmer we’ve just installed

  • Open the flash script and check for your device name “your chip name” (maybe something different than Atmega16u2), and you will find it written on the chip or open IDE>tools>Get board info.

  • Open terminal in that directory to run the flash script.

  • *note: run the script with root privileges

The script will work on three phases:

  • you will reset Arduino and the script will burn “Arduino-usbserial-uno.hex”.

  • you will put your payload with IDE.

  • continue the script to burn “Arduino-keyboard-0.3.hex”

  • note: after every phase you will unplug and plug the arduino from your PC.

In Detail:

  1. It will ask you to reset the Atmega16u2: briefly bridge the reset pin with the ground. The pins are located near the USB connector, as shown in this picture.connect them with wire or any metal briefly.
  • To verify you have reset the 8u2 or 16u2 chip: In the IDE: check the list of serial ports. The serial port for your board should no longer show up. also a led will blink when connecting the pins.
  1. Press enter (and leave the terminal open with the flash script running)
  2. Unplug and plug the Arduino (then put your code/payload using the IDE and upload it as usual).
  3. In terminal: Press enter again (the script will ask for Arduino reset again)
  • so reset it as done before then press enter again it will be done.
  • you will get two validatings as the picture.

Now unplug and plug the Arduino and it will do whatever the payload is for.

Payload Example:

  • will write hello world 10 times in an opened text editor
// note that these two sentences below are what we had put in Arduino's library for hid keyboard   
#include <HIDKeyboard.h>
HIDKeyboard Keyboard;

void setup() {
Keyboard.begin(); // Initializes keyboard
} void loop() {
for(int i=1;i<=10;i++){
Keyboard.println("Hello World!"); // Types "Hello World!"
Keyboard.pressSpecialKey(ENTER); // Sends an "Enter" keypress
Keyboard.releaseKey(); // Releases "Enter"
while(1); // Hold forever

  • Search about Rubber Ducky payloads you will find a lot, but you need to convert them into Arduino code.
  • And here is a script will convert them for you or this other one online.
