Machines Info
Machines Info

As you see endgame type consists of more than one machine connected to each other and the flags are devided on specific steps..

1. Enumeration:

  • Nmap:
  • $ nmap -sV -sC -A -Pn

Web Enumeration:

  • PORT 80
  • iis default page..


  • simple web vuln scanner $ nikto -h

nikto revealed a .DS_Store file in the server’s root folder.

The DS_Store, or
Desktop Services Store is a hidden file use by Mac OS X. This file is used to store various 
attributes about the folder such as icons or sub-folder names. This file can reveal sensitive
information such as the folder structure and contained files.
  • visiting

we can use this DS_walk tool to enumeate the files


  • $ python -u

The interesting ones > /admin , /dev and their sub-dirctories

They all give this inaccessible error

admin gives login prompt and unauthorized access

Let’s save these results and continue with enumeration..

IIS short name enumeration:

Searching about iis v 7.5 vulnerabilities and misconfigurations found this paper or this article about iis tilde character ~ which reveals files and folders names and also extentions

we can use a metasploit module for this or this github tool

  • use auxiliary/scanner/http/iis_shortname_scanner
  • show options
  • set rhosts
  • run
    found this > but not interesting

using the tool pretty the same:

$ python

Anyway we need to repeat the same search on the sub-directories too:

so let’s set the /path parameter and see what we get

set path /dev/304c0c90fbc6520610abbf378e2339d1 set path /dev/304c0c90fbc6520610abbf378e2339d1/db

looks interesting /poo_co*~1.txt* » got it from both the tool and metasploit.

As the shortname only contains 6 characters, the rest of the file name should be guessed or discovered manually.

Let’s extract all words starting with co and fuzz the filename with this wordlist..

$ grep '^co.*' /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt > ./fuzz.txt

  • Wfuzz:
  • $ wfuzz -z file,fuzz.txt -t 50 --sc 200 -u

so it’s connection » /poo_connection.txt

  • /dev/304c0c90fbc6520610abbf378e2339d1/db/poo_connection.txt

got the first flag: POO{fcfb0767f5bd3cbc22f40ff5011ad555}
